
Friday, September 27, 2013

Ka ching ! Adsense : Need Royalty Free Music for Your Youtube Video?

Image by Aaron Anderer via Flickr
Consider the following scenario : you recorded some interesting event with your camcorder or phone. You edited your video and added a nice song to go with it, then you posted it in Youtube and checked the monetization box to earn a few bucks. Then you wait a couple of days for them (the Google folks) to review it and finally you see they didn't approve your monetization request--all this because of the catchy tune you thought would make your video more entertaining. And now you can kiss the adsense money goodbye (at least for this video).

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Unix Philosophy or The Nine Programming Commandments

Image by Rudolph Schuba via Flickr

Developers know programming languages become obsolete with time. Say you learn to code in one language today, a few years down the road that language might be extinct or really antiquated. Recently a friend of mine who is a developer told me about the Unix Philosophy.

New Amazing Lionel Messi Video Created with Unusual Video Editing Tool

Gotcha! It's not a video editing tool at all. Remember those days back in school making flipbooks while the teacher babbled away?
 And how about Goku vs Superman?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Snapito Full Length Website Screenshots

tech-rookie photo with snapito
Need a picture of a website for Pinterest? There's a tool for that : You have several options: Download, Quick Snap, Delayed Snap, Pin to Pinterest, Pin Full Page, etc.

For similar tools go to